SIBERC STEI SEBI, Laznas IZI, and Waqf Initiative Host Islamic Philanthropy Outlook 2025
SEBI Islamic Business and Economic Research Center (SIBERC) at Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Islam SEBI (STEI SEBI), in collaboration with Laznas IZI and the Waqf Initiative, hosted the Islamic Philanthropy Outlook 2025 event on the theme “Towards Harmonization of Zakat and Waqf Management in Indonesia.” The event took place at the National Library Building in Jakarta on Wednesday, December 4, 2024.
Islamic Philanthropy Outlook 2025 featured an impressive lineup of speakers from academia, practice, and policy-making. The speakers included Dr. Adril Hakim, S.T., M.M., Chair of LPPM STEI SEBI; Nana Sudiana, S.I.P., M.M., M.Hum., Director of Akademizi at Laznas IZI; Muhammad Hasbi Zaenal, Ph.D., Director of ZIS Development Studies at Baznas RI; H. Anas Nasikhin, M.Si, Secretary of the Waqf Board of Indonesia; and Jaja Zarkasyi, M.A., Head of Asset Security and Waqf at the Ministry of Religious Affairs. The session was moderated by Aries Hermawan, S.E.I., M.E., Executive Director of SEBI Social Fund (SSF). The event was also attended by Sigit Pramono, Ph.D., CA., CPA, the Chairman of STEI SEBI, and Wildan Dewayana Rosyada, M.Si., the President Director of Laznas IZI.
Sigit Pramono expressed his gratitude to all stakeholders who supported the organization of the Islamic Philanthropy Outlook 2025. “This event is a continuation of the partnership between STEI SEBI and Laznas IZI. This collaboration is a crucial part of our efforts to contribute meaningfully to the development of the Islamic economy in Indonesia, particularly in optimizing the potential of zakat and waqf,” he stated in a press release.
He elaborated that this year’s theme, “Harmonization of Zakat and Waqf Management in Indonesia,” was chosen in response to various challenges in managing these two main pillars of the Islamic economy. “Despite the significant potential of zakat and waqf for community empowerment and social issue alleviation, unintegrated management and the lack of synergy among zakat management institutions (LPZ) and waqf managers hinder the optimal realization of this potential,” he noted.
In closing, Sigit expressed hope that the event would provide insightful recommendations for unifying policies, procedures, and systems for managing zakat and waqf at both national and local levels. With improved harmonization, zakat and waqf can function more effectively as instruments for economic empowerment, poverty alleviation, and equitable social development.
“May this initiative contribute to the advancement of Islamic philanthropy and accelerate our goals in building an inclusive, sustainable, and beneficial Islamic economy,” he concluded.