The National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) has delivered the results of the decision on the inaugural accreditation assessment of the Sharia Economic Law (HES) Study Program at the SEBI Islamic Economic College (SEBI STEI) with a rating of "Good Accreditation", which is accessed through the Online Higher Education Accreditation System (SAPTO) on Thursday, May 11, 2023. The results of the assessment are stated in the form of a Decree of the Director of the Executive Board of BAN-PT with number 1514/SK/BAN-PT/Ak/S/IV/2023 accompanied by an Accreditation Certificate with the predicate "Good", valid from April 26, 2023 to April 26, 2028. The Decree and Accreditation Certificate documents were signed directly by the Director of the Executive Board of BAN-PT, Prof. Ari Purbayanto.
A long process in the form of several stages was passed by the HES Study Program which was led by Rio Erismen Armen, Lc., M.A., Ph.D. (Head of Study Program) and Muhammad Ismail Abdullah, S.E. (Secretary of Study Program) to obtain the results of the accreditation. Starting with the decision of STEI SEBI to open a new department by submitting a proposal for the establishment of HES Study Program to BAN-PT and also the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia in 2019. From this submission, a Decree of BAN-PT No. 59 / SK / BAN-PT / Min-Akred / XI / 2019 was issued on November 6, 2019 concerning the Fulfillment of Minimum Accreditation Requirements for Study Programs at Islamic Religious Universities. The decree as referred to then becomes a reference in the issuance of the Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia number 1170 of 2019 concerning the Permit for the Implementation of the Sharia Economic Law Undergraduate Study Program at the SEBI Depok Islamic Economic College signed on December 23, 2019.
So far, the number of HES Study Program students has been quite stable since the issuance of the permit for the implementation of the study program by the Ministry of Religious Affairs. In the first year of operation in 2020, there were 58 active students in this department. Then in 2021 it increased to 89 people, and in 2022, it increased again to 145 people. STEI SEBI then targets the number of active students of HES Study Program in the odd semester of September 2023 to exceed 200 people.
Several profiles of graduates of HES STEI SEBI Study Program were mentioned during the submission of the establishment proposal based on a review of graduates from similar study programs at the local, national, and international levels. Graduates of HES STEI SEBI Study Program are expected to take part in the world of Islamic finance industry, education, and sharia business. Among the graduate profiles that have been determined are the opportunity to become a Fatwa Drafting Expert Team at the Fatwa Authority, a Sharia Accounting and Audit Standard Formulation Expert Team, Sharia Compliance Experts (Sharia Compliance), Sharia Supervisory Board, Sharia Consultants, Educators and Researchers in the Field of Sharia Economic Law, and Religious Judges in the Field of Muamalah and Financial Transactions.
Currently, there are eight permanent lecturers of HES STEI SEBI Study Program who already have a National Lecturer Master Number (NIDN), with educational qualifications as many as 4 lecturers have taken strata 3 education, and the rest have taken strata 2 education. The permanent lecturers of HES Study Program are:
- Oni Sahroni (Founder of Muamalah Daily – graduate from S1 to S3 at Al-Azhar University Cairo);
- Rio Erismen Armen (Head of HES Study Program - S1 graduate at Al-Azhar University Cairo, S2 at the Institute of Arab Research and Studies Cairo, and S3 at International Islamic University Malaysia);
- Roni Hidayat (S1 graduate at Al-Azhar University Cairo, S2 at IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang, and S3 at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta);
- Moh. Rozaq Asyhari (S1 and S2 graduates at Jember University, and S3 at the University of Indonesia);
- Muammar Gaddafi (S1 graduate at the Islamic University of Madinah and S2 at the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta);
- Aries Hermawan (S1 graduate at STEI SEBI and S2 at Ibnu Khaldun University Bogor); Khairul Fitroh (S1 graduate at the Darussalam Institute of Islamic Studies (ISID) Gontor Ponorogo and S2 at Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University); and
- Muhammad Azam Shidqi (S1 graduate at Al-Azhar University Cairo and S2 at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta).
The accreditation stages that have been carried out by the HES Study Program begin with applying for study program accreditation through the BAN-PT website by attaching several documents, including a Cover Letter from Sigit Pramono as the Head of STEI SEBI College, Study Program Performance Report (LKPS) documents, Self-Evaluation Report (LED) documents, and other documents. HES Study Program, assisted by the Accreditation Form Preparation Implementation Team, has prepared the necessary documents since January 19, 2022 and successfully submitted these documents on July 5, 2022.
After submitting the documents required for the study program accreditation process, HES Study Program awaits confirmation from BAN-PT for the next process, namely adequacy assessment. The adequacy assessment is carried out by the Assessor Team from BAN-PT independently to assess the accreditation application documents submitted by the HES Study Program whether it is feasible to pass the next accreditation stage or not. Furthermore, based on the decision of the BAN-PT Executive Board meeting on adequacy assessment, HES STEI SEBI Study Program has been declared to have passed the field assessment stage on March 28, 2023.
The field assessment of HES STEI SEBI Study Program will be held online on April 14-15, 2023. Erie Haryanto (IAIN Madura Lecturer) and Sri Lumatus Sa'adah (UIN Kiai Lecturer Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember), as the Assessor Team from BAN-PT visited the HES STEI SEBI Study Program to assess the suitability of the submitted documents with the reality in the field.
The field assessment activity was opened by Yoyo Sundoyo as the host (MC) on April 14, 2023 at 08.00 WIB, then continued with a speech by Azis Budi Setiawan as Vice Chair I for Academic Affairs of STEI SEBI. Azis in his speech expressed his gratitude to the Assessor Team for taking the time to visit STEI SEBI through the field assessment agenda in the context of accreditation of HES Study Program. "Hopefully the results of this field assessment will be the best results to be an encouragement for HES Study Program to be even better in the future," said Azis.
Field assessment activities were led by Erie Haryanto and Sri Lumatus Sa'adah with various series of events, starting with agreeing on the Current Year (TS) period, then confirming the LKPS and LED fillings, followed by an assessment session with UPPS Leaders, Internal Quality Assurance Systems, and the HES Study Program Accreditation Form Preparation Implementation Team. The first day's field assessment ended at 17.00 WIB.
Field assessment activities on the second day began at 08.00 WIB, immediately taken over by the Assessor Team and continued to the next series of events, namely interviews with external parties. The external parties invited on this occasion are figures who have relevance to sharia economic law, including Asgaft Asysyad Rasyid as Shariah Compliance staff at Bank Sinar Mas Syariah, Ridho as Shariah Compliance staff at BCA Syariah, and Iqbal Fadli Muhammad as staff at the Directorate of Zakat Empowerment and Islamic BIMAS Waqf Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.
After interviews with external parties, the agenda continued to interviews with permanent lecturers of HES Study Program. The permanent lecturers who attended this occasion were Roni Hidayat as a lecturer in muamalah jurisprudence and Khairul Fitroh as a lecturer in law courses. After interviews with permanent lecturers, followed by interviews with several HES Study Program students, namely Saladin, Anida, and Ijlal.
After the interview session ended, it continued to the next series of events, namely an online campus environment visit. In this session, the operator and documentation team toured the campus with cameras to highlight places on campus accompanied by an explanation delivered by Sepky Mardian, as the field assessment preparation committee of HES Study Program.
After the online campus visitation agenda, the agenda continues with an assessment session by the Assessor Team independently. At 14.00 WIB, the Assessor Team provided assessment results and inputs for HES Study Program in particular, and for SEBI STEI in general. These inputs were welcomed and well received by the HES Study Program and the Head of STEI SEBI. The field assessment agenda of the HES Study Program is officially closed on April 15, 2023 at 15.00 WIB.