Sharia Economic Law Study Program 2020 Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Islam (STEI) SEBI Depok held a scientific visit to the Sharia Arbitration Board (Basyarnas) MUI on Saturday, January 21, 2023 . The event was held online using Zoom Meeting. The event was filled by Dr. Achmad Djauhari, SH, MH as vice chairman of Basyarnas MUI and also Mr. Rio Erismen Armen, Lc, MA., PhD as Chairman of Sharia Economist Law Study Program STEI SEBI.
The event was opened with remarks by the Head of HES Study Program, a lecturer who teaches the Sharia Aribitrase course and also remarks from the secretary of Basyarnas MUI. The next event was the delivery of material by Dr. Achmad Djauhari, SH, MH. He conveyed from the understanding of arbitration, legal principles and basis, and so on.
"The philosophy of dispute resolution is basically trust, just like when someone has a dispute and they appoint someone and they believe that person has the ability to resolve nicely, beautifully and peacefully. So people who have such abilities can be trusted by the public, usually the flying hours are high. Then it appears in the formulation in law 20 on the requirements of arbitrators aged 35 and experienced 15 years. This requirement states that if examined the requirement is cumulative rather than alternative, age and experience must exist as an arbitrator." Dr. Achmad Djauhari
He also said that resolving disputes through sharia arbitration has advantages, including efficient time, energy, closed trial processes, arbitrators appointed directly by the parties and also the arbitral award shall be final & binding and have executory force.
"Dispute resolution through the Shari'ah Arbitration system, as a logical consequence for believers where they are obliged to become Muslims in kaaffaah, is a solution that can meet the needs of the Muslim community in Indonesia, especially those related to civil law. Because the concept of Shari'ah Arbitration contains a choice of business objects that are in accordance with Islamic Shari'a, the contracts are also in accordance with the Sharia contract, if a dispute occurs it can be resolved by shari'ah and dignity (closing disgrace)", Dr. Achmad Djauhari.
The event ran for 2 hours and was finally closed by a question and answer with students.